FLOWTOM Project Partners

FLOWTOM (Floating Offshore Wind Turbines Operation and Maintenance) is a multi-partner research project launched in 2021, with the objective of progressing the development of lifting solutions for offshore maintenance of floating wind turbines.

WindSpider have been cooperating with FLOWTOM partners since 2022, to help assess the solution for offshore maintenance operations on floating wind turbines.

Recently conducted wave tank trials of the lifts carried out by the WindSpider system and the vessel crane, together with the digital modelling, will improve the reliability of an offshore maintenance solution for floating wind turbines.

“The data acquired during the trials will be used to produce a digital twin representing what is happening in the wave tank, which in turn will be used to calibrate the global model. This will reduce the margin of error in the modelling results and make the associated recommendations more reliable.” – reads the press release issued on the 18th of April by France Energies Marines.

For a full press release see here Trials to improve offshore maintenance solution reliability (france-energies-marines.org)

Wave tank test

About WindSpider

WindSpider is offering an innovative lifting solution for installation and major component replacement of wind turbines, onshore and offshore. The self-erecting solution, which uses the turbine tower as support, has several attractive features, including eliminating relative motion between crane and wind turbine, no turbine weight or height restrictions, compatibility with floating vessels, and good operability at windy sites. With an effective lifting capacity of +1500 metric tons, WindSpider solves some of the biggest issues in the wind industry and is prepared for the next generations of wind turbines at a substantially lower cost.

Contact persons

Kent Lynggaard Vinkel, CEO – phone +47 911 90 817

André Ølberg, CFO & Commercial Director– phone +47 45 20 39 67


Innovation Norway

WindSpider awarded NOK 17.5 million grant from Innovation Norway

by | Jul 1, 2024 | News | 0 Comments

WindSpider has been awarded a NOK 17.5 million grant from Innovation Norway for further development of their aluminium lifting solution, control system and simulator....

FLOWTOM Project Partners

Cooperation between WindSpider and FLOWTOM project partners

by | May 7, 2024 | News | 0 Comments

FLOWTOM (Floating Offshore Wind Turbines Operation and Maintenance) is a multi-partner research project launched in 2021, with the objective of progressing the...

Petter Birkeland

Petter Birkedal becomes a new board member at WindSpider

by | Apr 5, 2024 | News | 0 Comments

We would like to share that our board member, Torstein Øygarden, will now be stepping down to a Board Deputy position. We want to take this opportunity to extend our...

Gigantic Aluminium Spiders

by | Mar 4, 2024 | News | 0 Comments

WindSpider launches a step-changing crane for use on increasingly larger wind turbines. The self-erecting crane has no weight or height limitations and can be used in...

DNV Statement of Feasibility

by | Jul 16, 2023 | News | 0 Comments

DNV has issued a Statement of Feasibility for the first full-scale WindSpider system. The system has been evaluated in accordance with DNV-RP-A203...

Iselin Nybø and Christina Aabo become board members in WindSpider

by | Mar 29, 2022 | News | 0 Comments

Iselin Nybø and Christina Aabo were elected as new board members in Wind Spider AS in an extraordinary general meeting 28 March 2022. “We are very pleased to welcome...

WindSpider secures NOK 8.9 million in grant from Innovation Norway

by | Mar 14, 2022 | News | 0 Comments

WindSpider has been awarded a NOK 8.9 million grant from Innovation Norway related to the development and technical qualification of the WindSpider crane system. “We...

Wind Spider AS completes fundraising

by | Dec 10, 2021 | News | 0 Comments

Wind Spider AS announces that it has secured investments from industrial and financial investors in addition to existing shareholders in November 2021

Wind Spider AS appoints Kent Lynggaard Vinkel as new CEO

by | Dec 6, 2021 | News | 0 Comments

Wind Spider AS announce that Mr. Kent Lynggaard Vinkel will be joining WindSpider as CEO as of 1st of January 2022.

WindSpider at Wind Europe Electric city

by | Nov 15, 2021 | News | 0 Comments

WindSpider will attend the Electric City conference in Copenhagen 23 – 24 November. We look forward meeting existing and new business partners.

André Ølberg new CFO & Commercial Director

by | Aug 15, 2021 | News | 0 Comments

We are pleased to announce that Mr. André Ølberg has joined WindSpider as CFO & Commercial Director.

Kjell-Erik Østdahl becomes a new board member WindSpider

by | Feb 15, 2021 | News | 0 Comments

We are strengthening the board of directors and are pleased that Mr. Kjell-Erik Østdahl has accepted to join the board and becoming a shareholder in the company.

Support for pre-commercialization

by | Jan 15, 2021 | News | 0 Comments

WindSpider has been awarded financial support from Innovation Norway for performing feasibility studies.