Offshore Floating

Cost reduction of the major component replacement  vs tow-to-port.
Lifting capacity that can be scaled up or down to meet the operational needs.
Estimated reduction in time of the major component replacement achieved by replacing the tow-to-shore solution with the in situ approach.

Installation and major component replacement of floating wind turbines at quayside, inshore or at site – offshore – performed from a variety of existing vessels and barges.

Benefits of WindSpider for Offshore Floating wind market

WindSpider offers a solution to one of the biggest challenges the offshore floating wind is facing – namely, major component replacement. By eliminating the relative motion between the wind turbine tower and the crane, WindSpider allows for major component replacement on site, consequently, eliminating the need for the costly and time-consuming tow-to-port approach – which is also environmentally strenuous.

Similarly, installation of floating wind turbines can be performed from port, in sheltered waters or offshore, allowing for never-before flexibility and reducing the need for quayside upgrades required to accommodate large cranes and eliminating issues with water depths.

WindSpider can be scaled to perform lifts of over 1500 tonnes, without any height restrictions and requires no design changes to wind turbine or tower, making it a solution for the existing and future generations of wind turbines.

Several studies were performed to evaluate multiple floating foundation designs, showing good results and compatibility of the solution.

Another advantage of WindSpider, is its compatibility with a variety of existing vessels and barges with better availability, and day rates that allow for significant cost savings of the operations. The fact that operations can be performed from a floating structure also make the water depth and the soil conditions irrelevant, and allow for offshore wind expansion beyond previously assumed borders.

With effective mobilization and demobilization time, and improved operability at windy quaysides and inshore, WindSpider is a big step towards a sustainable offshore floating wind industry.

Benefits of WindSpider for Offshore Floating wind market

This in other row:
- WindSpider eliminates the need for the tow-back solution by allowing for cost-saving major component replacement on site.
- Flexible wind turbine installation from port, inshore or offshore.
- Can be scaled to perform lifts of over 1500 tonnes, without any height restrictions.
- Effective mobilization & demobilization time.
- Improved operability at windy quaysides and inshore.
- Reduced need for quayside upgrades, required to accommodate large cranes.
- Compatible with existing vessels and barges.
- Good results from studies performed on several floating design concepts.
-Requires no design change to wind turbine or tower.
-Eliminates the issue of relative motion between the turbine and the WindSpider crane by becoming a part of the same structure as the wind turbine.
-Modular design that allows for effective transport by road or sea.